Damh the Bard Damh the Bard - Antlered Crown And Standing Stone

I am the face within the leaves
I am the voice within the trees
I am boy, I am man
The face of the changing land
And I have been your constant guide
From your caves on the mountainside
We have walked hand in hand

Everywhere that I have been
My passing turns the grey to green
The birds sing to the dawn
And the land has awoken
Now my lady lays with me
Our love weaves its tapestry
Eternal threads, unbroken

I am lover, I am father
I am horned God and king
I'm the life in all of nature
That is reborn every spring
Call of stag and cry of eagle
I am child of barleycorn
And I am the antlered crown and standing stone

I am the oats, the corn and grain
A bearded man with a crooked cane
Cut me down, I must die
For the land to be born again
But don't you cry and don't you grieve
For soon the wild hunt I will lead
On the night of samhain

The air is cold
The sky is grey
Where am I this winter's day
Bones of trees, fallen leaves
The time of the winter queen
But through the wind and snow and rain
Know a part of me remains
The holly stands, evergreen